Update Your Account Information
You can update your Homiletics Online membership anytime at your convenience by simply logging into the website, using your email address and password. We provide links to make updating your address, email, or payment information quick and easy. You can even change your email address, password, or cancel your subscription by using the My Account link once you've logged into the website.
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Or use this handy link: - 2
Under Membership & Billing, you will find the following three links:
- Change Email or Address. On this page, you can update the name on the account the billing address, phone number, or email address associated with the account.
- Manage Payment Info. On this page, you can update the saved credit card you have on file with us.
- Billing History. On this page, you can find your past, current, and future orders with us to see the payment history, download receipts, and see when your account is set to auto-renew next with us.
- Change Password . On this page, you can update the password for your account.
- Cancel My Subscription. Located right under the title, you will be able to cancel your membership with us with an easy click of a button.
Under Plan Details, you will find the following two links:
- Change Plan. On this page, you will be able to change your billing plan to Monthly or Yearly.
- Prepay Now and Save! On this page, you will be able to renew out your membership before your auto-renew with us. You can also renew for multiple years at a discounted rate. Don't forget to enter your savings code if you have an offer from us for an early renewal!